Conscious Quote — February 25th, 2021

Conscious Life
Feb 25, 2021


“Sustaining the continuity of nondual awareness clears up basic ignorance. There is no ignorance at that moment, and therefore no formation, no dualistic consciousness, no name-and-form, no six sense-bases, no grasping, craving, becoming, sickness, old age and death, and so forth. This is thanks to recognizing the essence of our mind, rigpa, the self-existing wakefulness that is pointed out by your guru. It is the three kayas intrinsic to our mind. The nature of our mind is empty in essence and cognizant by nature, and these two are indivisible. Seeing that and sustaining its continuity is what clears up the basic ignorance.”

-Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche



Conscious Life

I write about consciousness, existence, Buddhism, psychedelics, and the nature of the mind with an ontological view.